[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
523 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 99.426% | 4.724 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
net.sf.staccatocommons.collections.stream.impl.internal | 49 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.143 |
net.sf.staccatocommons.collections.iterable | 30 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 93.333% | 0.026 |
net.sf.staccatocommons.collections.stream.impl | 345 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 3.007 |
net.sf.staccatocommons.collections | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.193 |
net.sf.staccatocommons.collections.stream | 89 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 98.876% | 1.355 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
DropIteratorUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.003 | |
FilterIteratorUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 | |
TakeWhileIteratorUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.003 | |
DropStreamUnitTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.001 | |
MemoizedIteratorUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 | |
DeconsTransformStreamTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 | |
DropWhileStreamUnitTest | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.117 | |
FlatMapIteratorUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 | |
TakeIteratorUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 | |
MapIteratorUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 | |
InsertBeforeIndexIteratorUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.004 | |
InsertBeforeIteratorUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.003 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
IterablesUnitTest | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.023 | |
ModifiableIterablesUnitTest | 6 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 66.667% | 0.003 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
OptionStreamUnitTest | 42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.194 | |
IterateStreamUnitTest | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 | |
CollectionStreamUnitTest | 42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.494 | |
IteratorStreamUnitTest | 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.343 | |
IterableStreamUnitTest | 42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.448 | |
ConsStreamUnitTest | 42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.336 | |
DequeStreamUnitTest | 43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.408 | |
SortedStreamUnitTest | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.11 | |
ListStreamUnitTest | 43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.361 | |
CharSequenceStreamUnitTest | 43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.311 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
ClassesInstrumentedDummyTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.128 | |
MapsUnitTest | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.065 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
AbstractStreamBasicTest | 56 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 98.214% | 0.484 | |
StreamsUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.027 | |
MapStreamUnitTest | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.834 | |
LazinessIntegrationTest | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.01 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
ifContainsBeforeThenReferencesIsNotContainedInFirstSegment | 0.026 | |
filteredSizeLowerOrEqualToOriginal | 0.007 | |
takeANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEquivalentStream | 0.001 | |
dropANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
allFilteredElementsEvaluate | 0.008 | |
nonEmptyStreamContainsAny | 0.002 | |
anyEqualsAnyOrNullInNonEmpty | 0.002 | |
findFailsForFalsePredicate | 0.002 | |
testFindOrNull | 0.013 | |
testFindOrElse | 0.017 | |
sizeStreamReturnedByMapSizeIsTheSameOriginalStream | 0.004 | |
firstHeadGetZeroAnyAreEquivalent | 0.001 | |
secondAndGetOneAreEquivalent | 0.001 | |
thirdAndGetTwoAreEquivalent | 0.002 | |
testLast | 0.001 | |
gettingElementOutOfBoundsThrowsIndexOutOfBoundException | 0.001 | |
testToSet | 0.002 | |
testToList | 0.001 | |
testContains | 0.001 | |
testElementEqual | 0.002 | |
testZip | 0.002 | |
reduceToListIsEquivalentToItself | 0.002 | |
countOfIsEquivalentToFilterAndSize | 0.007 | |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.004 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.002 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.002 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.007 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.008 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.002 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.001 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.001 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.002 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.001 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.019 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.02 |
testFromToAsc | 0 | |
testFromToAsc2 | 0 | |
testFromToDesc | 0 | |
testFromToByAsc | 0 | |
testFromToByAsc2 | 0 | |
testFromToByDesc | 0 | |
testFromToByDesc2 | 0 | |
testFromBy | 0 |
testArgumentsInstrumented | 0.017 | |
testArgumentsInstrumented2 | 0.001 | |
testThirdBadSize | 0.001 | |
testDropBadAmount | 0.028 |
ifContainsBeforeThenReferencesIsNotContainedInFirstSegment | 0.062 | |
filteredSizeLowerOrEqualToOriginal | 0.02 | |
takeANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEquivalentStream | 0.003 | |
dropANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
allFilteredElementsEvaluate | 0.018 | |
nonEmptyStreamContainsAny | 0.006 | |
anyEqualsAnyOrNullInNonEmpty | 0.006 | |
findFailsForFalsePredicate | 0.005 | |
testFindOrNull | 0.023 | |
testFindOrElse | 0.047 | |
sizeStreamReturnedByMapSizeIsTheSameOriginalStream | 0.01 | |
firstHeadGetZeroAnyAreEquivalent | 0.003 | |
secondAndGetOneAreEquivalent | 0.003 | |
thirdAndGetTwoAreEquivalent | 0.004 | |
testLast | 0.003 | |
gettingElementOutOfBoundsThrowsIndexOutOfBoundException | 0.003 | |
testToSet | 0.003 | |
testToList | 0.003 | |
testContains | 0.004 | |
testElementEqual | 0.003 | |
testZip | 0.015 | |
reduceToListIsEquivalentToItself | 0.004 | |
countOfIsEquivalentToFilterAndSize | 0.029 | |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.012 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.004 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.003 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.003 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.02 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.018 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.004 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.003 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.003 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.003 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.003 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.047 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.059 |
testGet | 0.001 | |
testPartition | 0 | |
testCross | 0 | |
testIsBefore | 0 | |
testToSet | 0 | |
testToList | 0 | |
testZip | 0 | |
testAll | 0 | |
testFilter | 0 | |
testMap | 0 | |
testFlatMap | 0 | |
testFindOrNone | 0 | |
testAllSame | 0 | |
testAllEqual | 0.005 | |
testIndexOf | 0 | |
testContainsBefore | 0.001 | |
testIsNullOrEmpty | 0 | |
testSingle | 0 | |
testTake | 0 | |
testSum | 0 | |
testProduct | 0 | |
testElementsEquals | 0.001 | |
testToSortedSet | 0.003 | |
testGetThrowsIndexOutOfBounds | 0.001 |
testDecons | 0.004 | |
testIteratorStream | 0.001 | |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.052 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.004 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.007 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.003 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.004 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.003 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.038 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.01 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.033 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.003 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.003 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.002 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.002 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.025 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.06 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.064 |
testRemoveAll | 0 | |
testRemoveWhile | 0 | |
testRemove | 0 | |
skipped | ||
testAddAll | 0 | |
testMoveIterableOfTCEvaluableOfT | 0.002 | |
testMoveIterableOfTIntC | 0.002 | |
skipped |
ifContainsBeforeThenReferencesIsNotContainedInFirstSegment | 0.052 | |
filteredSizeLowerOrEqualToOriginal | 0.017 | |
takeANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEquivalentStream | 0.005 | |
dropANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEmptyStream | 0.005 | |
allFilteredElementsEvaluate | 0.021 | |
nonEmptyStreamContainsAny | 0.003 | |
anyEqualsAnyOrNullInNonEmpty | 0.003 | |
findFailsForFalsePredicate | 0.003 | |
testFindOrNull | 0.015 | |
testFindOrElse | 0.029 | |
sizeStreamReturnedByMapSizeIsTheSameOriginalStream | 0.008 | |
firstHeadGetZeroAnyAreEquivalent | 0.004 | |
secondAndGetOneAreEquivalent | 0.003 | |
thirdAndGetTwoAreEquivalent | 0.004 | |
testLast | 0.004 | |
gettingElementOutOfBoundsThrowsIndexOutOfBoundException | 0.004 | |
testToSet | 0.003 | |
testToList | 0.004 | |
testContains | 0.003 | |
testElementEqual | 0.004 | |
testZip | 0.013 | |
reduceToListIsEquivalentToItself | 0.004 | |
countOfIsEquivalentToFilterAndSize | 0.029 | |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.013 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.004 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.003 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.03 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.004 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.004 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.018 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.004 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.005 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.006 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.006 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.006 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.004 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.004 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.041 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.038 |
ifContainsBeforeThenReferencesIsNotContainedInFirstSegment | 0.093 | |
filteredSizeLowerOrEqualToOriginal | 0.015 | |
takeANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEquivalentStream | 0.002 | |
dropANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
allFilteredElementsEvaluate | 0.009 | |
nonEmptyStreamContainsAny | 0.002 | |
anyEqualsAnyOrNullInNonEmpty | 0.002 | |
findFailsForFalsePredicate | 0.001 | |
testFindOrNull | 0.009 | |
testFindOrElse | 0.017 | |
sizeStreamReturnedByMapSizeIsTheSameOriginalStream | 0.004 | |
firstHeadGetZeroAnyAreEquivalent | 0.002 | |
secondAndGetOneAreEquivalent | 0.026 | |
thirdAndGetTwoAreEquivalent | 0.002 | |
testLast | 0.002 | |
gettingElementOutOfBoundsThrowsIndexOutOfBoundException | 0.001 | |
testToSet | 0.002 | |
testToList | 0.001 | |
testContains | 0.002 | |
testElementEqual | 0.002 | |
testZip | 0.003 | |
reduceToListIsEquivalentToItself | 0.003 | |
countOfIsEquivalentToFilterAndSize | 0.014 | |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.009 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.002 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.002 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.008 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.008 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.001 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.002 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.001 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.002 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.001 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.024 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.024 |
concat | 0.015 | |
sum | 0 | |
flatMap | 0.002 | |
fold | 0.001 | |
product | 0.001 | |
indices | 0.007 | |
skipIndex | 0.002 | |
foldWithMultilyIsProduct | 0 | |
filteredSum | 0.001 | |
testAvg | 0.002 | |
testAvgEmptyStream | 0 | |
testReduce | 0.003 | |
concatArrayOverloadingJoinsTwoStreams | 0 | |
testIndexof | 0 | |
testFindIndex | 0.001 | |
findPositionThrowsNoSuchElementException | 0 | |
testPositionOf | 0 | |
testPositionOfBad | 0 | |
testIntersperse | 0.005 | |
interspereIterator | 0.002 | |
testIntersperseTwoElementsStream | 0 | |
testIncorporate | 0.001 | |
testIncorporateElement | 0.002 | |
testIncorporateIsLazy | 0 | |
testMemorize | 0.001 | |
testMemorizeLazyOnAppend | 0 | |
testMemorizeLazyOnMap | 0.001 | |
testPartition | 0.001 | |
testReverse | 0 | |
testMaximum | 0.002 | |
testMinimum | 0 | |
testGroupOn | 0.014 | |
testGroupOnReduction | 0.002 | |
testSort | 0.005 | |
testIntersperseEmptyRepeatable | 0.001 | |
testRecursiveLongStream | 0.259 | |
testLongFlatMapStream | 0.26 | |
skipped | ||
testCross | 0.009 | |
crossArrayOverloadingAnswersCartesianProduct | 0 | |
testFullCross | 0.006 | |
testIsBefore | 0 | |
testEquivOn | 0.011 | |
testEquivStreamOfStreams | 0.001 | |
testEmptyRepeatable | 0 | |
sliceEqualLowerAndUpperBoundsIsAnEmptyStream | 0 | |
sliceIsCompatibleWithSubstringForEnoughLongStreams | 0.006 | |
sliceWorksWithUpperBoundBeyondSize | 0 | |
printStingNotEmptyAnswersNonEmptyBracketString | 0 | |
printStreamEmptyAnswersEmptyBracketString | 0 | |
zipArrayOverloadingAnswersPairsOfElementsOfBothStreams | 0.001 | |
zipWithIteratorOverloadingAppliesBinaryFunctionToPairsOfElementsOfBothStreams | 0 | |
insertBeforeIndexAddsElementAtIndexMinusOneOrEnd | 0 | |
inserBeforeAddsElementBeforeReferenceOrAtEnd | 0.001 | |
inserBeforeIsNullSafe | 0 | |
containsBeforeIfFirstIsContainedAndAppearsBeforSecond | 0 | |
containsBeforeIndexIfFirstIsContainedAndBeforeIndex | 0 |
testNext | 0.001 | |
testNextThrowsNoSuchElementException | 0.001 | |
testHasNextIsRepeatable | 0 |
mapMapIsTheSameThatComposing | 0.047 | |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.074 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.015 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.006 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.011 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.013 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.01 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.041 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.008 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.008 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.048 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.006 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.011 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.011 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.007 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.007 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.238 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.012 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.114 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.103 |
tesDropWhile | 0.001 | |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.004 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.002 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.002 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.011 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.017 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.003 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.001 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.001 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.001 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.003 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.029 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.023 |
testReverse | 0.003 | |
ifContainsBeforeThenReferencesIsNotContainedInFirstSegment | 0.067 | |
filteredSizeLowerOrEqualToOriginal | 0.021 | |
takeANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEquivalentStream | 0.005 | |
dropANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEmptyStream | 0.004 | |
allFilteredElementsEvaluate | 0.018 | |
nonEmptyStreamContainsAny | 0.002 | |
anyEqualsAnyOrNullInNonEmpty | 0.003 | |
findFailsForFalsePredicate | 0.003 | |
testFindOrNull | 0.015 | |
testFindOrElse | 0.031 | |
sizeStreamReturnedByMapSizeIsTheSameOriginalStream | 0.008 | |
firstHeadGetZeroAnyAreEquivalent | 0.002 | |
secondAndGetOneAreEquivalent | 0.003 | |
thirdAndGetTwoAreEquivalent | 0.003 | |
testLast | 0.003 | |
gettingElementOutOfBoundsThrowsIndexOutOfBoundException | 0.003 | |
testToSet | 0.002 | |
testToList | 0.003 | |
testContains | 0.003 | |
testElementEqual | 0.003 | |
testZip | 0.01 | |
reduceToListIsEquivalentToItself | 0.003 | |
countOfIsEquivalentToFilterAndSize | 0.015 | |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.01 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.003 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.003 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.016 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.015 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.003 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.003 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.004 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.004 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.003 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.04 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.04 |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.006 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.002 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.001 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.002 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.007 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.013 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.002 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.001 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.002 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.002 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.002 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.031 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.024 |
testNext | 0.001 | |
testNextThrowsNoSuchElementException | 0.001 | |
testHasNextIsRepeatable | 0.001 |
testIndexof | 0.008 | |
ifContainsBeforeThenReferencesIsNotContainedInFirstSegment | 0.042 | |
filteredSizeLowerOrEqualToOriginal | 0.012 | |
takeANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEquivalentStream | 0.003 | |
dropANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
allFilteredElementsEvaluate | 0.012 | |
nonEmptyStreamContainsAny | 0.002 | |
anyEqualsAnyOrNullInNonEmpty | 0.002 | |
findFailsForFalsePredicate | 0.002 | |
testFindOrNull | 0.012 | |
testFindOrElse | 0.028 | |
sizeStreamReturnedByMapSizeIsTheSameOriginalStream | 0.011 | |
firstHeadGetZeroAnyAreEquivalent | 0.003 | |
secondAndGetOneAreEquivalent | 0.002 | |
thirdAndGetTwoAreEquivalent | 0.004 | |
testLast | 0.003 | |
gettingElementOutOfBoundsThrowsIndexOutOfBoundException | 0.002 | |
testToSet | 0.002 | |
testToList | 0.003 | |
testContains | 0.002 | |
testElementEqual | 0.002 | |
testZip | 0.007 | |
reduceToListIsEquivalentToItself | 0.002 | |
countOfIsEquivalentToFilterAndSize | 0.015 | |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.014 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.003 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.002 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.012 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.018 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.003 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.002 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.002 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.002 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.002 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.034 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.039 |
testNext | 0 | |
testNextThrowsNoSuchElementException | 0.001 | |
testHasNextIsRepeatable | 0 |
testJoin | 0.001 | |
ifContainsBeforeThenReferencesIsNotContainedInFirstSegment | 0.04 | |
filteredSizeLowerOrEqualToOriginal | 0.013 | |
takeANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEquivalentStream | 0.002 | |
dropANumberOfElementsGreaterThanSizeAnswersAnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
allFilteredElementsEvaluate | 0.012 | |
nonEmptyStreamContainsAny | 0.002 | |
anyEqualsAnyOrNullInNonEmpty | 0.002 | |
findFailsForFalsePredicate | 0.002 | |
testFindOrNull | 0.013 | |
testFindOrElse | 0.024 | |
sizeStreamReturnedByMapSizeIsTheSameOriginalStream | 0.006 | |
firstHeadGetZeroAnyAreEquivalent | 0.003 | |
secondAndGetOneAreEquivalent | 0.002 | |
thirdAndGetTwoAreEquivalent | 0.002 | |
testLast | 0.002 | |
gettingElementOutOfBoundsThrowsIndexOutOfBoundException | 0.002 | |
testToSet | 0.002 | |
testToList | 0.002 | |
testContains | 0.002 | |
testElementEqual | 0.002 | |
testZip | 0.006 | |
reduceToListIsEquivalentToItself | 0.002 | |
countOfIsEquivalentToFilterAndSize | 0.013 | |
sizeOfStreamReturnedByTakeIsLessOrEqualToTakeArgument | 0.007 | |
reduceFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
anyOrNoneIsDefinedOnNonEmptyStream | 0.003 | |
findFailsWithNoSuchElementExceptionOnFalsePredicate | 0.002 | |
findFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
allIsTrueOnTruePredicate | 0.002 | |
emptyStreamSatisfyAnyPredicate | 0.015 | |
anyIsTrueForTruePredicateInNonEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
anyFailsWithEmptySourceExceptionOnEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
emptyStreamsSatisfyNoPredicate | 0.015 | |
anyOrNullEqualsNullInEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
deconsSuceedsInNonEmptyStream | 0.002 | |
deconsFailsOnEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.003 | |
tailFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.002 | |
headFailsInEmptyStreamWithEmptySourceException | 0.003 | |
emptyIsAlwaysConsistent | 0.003 | |
memorizeGrantsRepeatableIterationOrder | 0.003 | |
insertBeforeIndexAssureElementIsBeforeIndex | 0.035 | |
insertBeforeReferenceAssureElementIsBeforeReference | 0.032 |
testAnyKey | 0.014 | |
testAnyKeyOrNull | 0 | |
testAnyValue | 0 | |
testGet | 0.002 | |
fromEntries | 0.033 | |
delayedMapKeys | 0.007 |
testMapAndGet | 0.001 | |
testMapAndGet2 | 0 | |
testMapAndDrop | 0 | |
testMapAndTake | 0.001 | |
testIntersparseAndSize | 0 | |
testIntersparseAndTake | 0 | |
testIntersparseAndAppend | 0.001 | |
testConcatAndSize | 0 | |
testAppendAndSize | 0 | |
testConsAndSize | 0 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
testRemove | |
skipped: skipped | |
testMoveIterableOfTIntC | |
skipped: skipped | |
testLongFlatMapStream | |
skipped: skipped |